Wednesday, September 10, 2008

24 & single: hot or not? i think HOT!

One of my dearest friends just turned 24 today... a rough age for some women who are single and would rather not be. From what I keep hearing the problem is this: the guys who are our age or older don't want to date us. Is this true? This particular birthday girl (who might I add is very beautiful) happened to be driving in a car with one of these "elect guys" who said this - and this is a direct quote-
"the younger ones stay hotter longer"
Which brings me to my question- Is 24 and single hot or not? I'm sorry but seriously?! How could someone say something so shallow! Maybe the 18 year-old girls are hotter with their teenage bodies, but we've got something on them: life experience and wisdom. Perhaps I'm bias because I just turned 24 a couple weeks ago, but I think 24 is hot and I am so excited about this year!


Branko L. said...

haha. Just wait 1 month. Then youll have been in London a few weeks and you can answer this question yourself. But, my answer is that in the world outside of Utah, 24 and married is what is crazy!

Holly said...

well, i think you know how i feel about this.

excellent post! i can hardly wait to keep following your blog!

and p.s. you should turn of word verification. thanks!

J in Cali said...

as a friend of the bday girl, i'd like to weigh in.

is 24 hot? yes. but i also think 42
can be hot.

but in all seriousness...

outside of utah, 24 y/o ladies don't date 24 y/o guys. they date 30 y/o rich guys. this is true - believe you me.

so can 24 be hot? of course, but not because of the life experience and wisdom. lets be honest ladies...the 6 extra years just means 6 more years of tears and fears...of never finding "the one."

the comment was obviously dumb, but i'm sure it was kind of like in 3rd grade when you would throw a rock at a girl because you liked her. sounds like somebody got D-nied. if he wants lots of of Hills like conversation with a teenager, let him have it.

for all you hot single 24 y/o ladies, here is some advice. get the hell out of utah. and if you you like utah too much, find a rich 30 y/o and enjoy life.

and to the bday girl...keep doing it hot

Devin said...

I concur. :)

The Theorist said...

j in cali: this blog is hilarious
BDAY GIRL: yah, they call it the hotter longer theory. he's an idiot. he liked me and I didn't go for it, so he said that in spite
BDAY GIRL: JUST so ya know
j in cali: i never doubted
BDAY GIRL: oh stop it
j in cali: here's what you do
j in cali: just start dating some successful 30 y/o and tell all us 24 y/o's that we have nothing to offer
j in cali: that is EXACTLY how it works everywhere else
j in cali: 18-21 is the only shot i have out here
j in cali: girls my age date much older guys
BDAY GIRL: …but then you reap the hotter longer theory
j in cali: although, that does confirm the theory that men typically date younger no matter where they are
BDAY GIRL: you just have to suffer through dumb conversation
BDAY GIRL: but then again... a lil less conversation a lil more action for me please
j in cali: i'm speechless
BDAY GIRL: is that a song?
BDAY GIRL: i'm laughing at myself
j in cali: don't even know what to say
j in cali: thats the coolest thing i've heard all week
BDAY GIRL: elvis IS cool. i think those are his words
j in cali: they are
j in cali: but they were borrowed well
j in cali: i'm going to comment on penelope's blog
j in cali: stay tuned later

Michelle said...

i'm so glad that you're blogging! and sad that i just found out about it today :( i feel like you've already gone transcontinental, or should i say "transcont."

and i'm sure you know my thoughts on this, but you really just need to add the latest from tonight. "19? you're still under warranty."